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Dr. Barbara Arnold

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Dr. Barbara Arnold

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Posted By Barbara Arnold 07-02-2024 10:35 AM
Found In Egroup: Pittsburgh SME Section
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All We need campers!!! Surely you know a high school junior or senior (or sophomore!!) that might be interested in mining. I get emails almost every day from companies looking to recruit students for internships and fulltime positions. We need to build the pipeline! I've attached a postcard ...
Posted By Barbara Arnold 05-03-2024 09:09 AM
Found In Egroup: Pittsburgh SME Section
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Do you know a rising high school junior or senior that might be interested in engineering? Mining engineering? Have them register for our first annual MINING ROCKS! Penn State Mining Summer Camp, August 4-9, 2024. Hands on lab experiences in ventilation, rock mechanics, automation, and mineral processing. ...
Posted By Barbara Arnold 03-20-2024 07:04 AM
Found In Egroup: Pittsburgh SME Section
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Just a reminder to vote for our new board members by close of business on Friday. Email Mary DelRosso with your ayes and nays! Thanks!!! ------------------------------ Barbara Arnold SME Pittsburgh Chair ------------------------------
Posted By Barbara Arnold 03-08-2024 08:24 AM
Found In Egroup: Pittsburgh SME Section
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Having given two weeks' notice of the election, I ask all Pittsburgh Section members to vote aye or nay for Erich Dohm from Eriez (to replace Jaisen Kohmuench, though we will offer Erich his own first three-year term) and Samuel Bilica from ACNR to serve on the SME Pittsburgh Section Board of Directors. ...

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