
Grants & Scholarships



The SME Pittsburgh Section is proud to support our future leaders.  Grants and scholarships are offered to select students in the region in an effort to support their education.  The SME Pittsburgh Section is offering 2 grants for the 2024/2025 academic year.  Student applicants should also be aware of the George Weisdack Memorial Scholarship administered by the SME Foundation (see below for details).

Application Deadlines: September 25 (September 15 for Teacher Grant Award)


SME Pittsburgh Section West Virginia University Student Grant

The SME Pittsburgh Section West Virginia University Student Grant (WVU Grant) is awarded annually to a student pursuing an undergraduate degree in mining engineering, mineral engineering, and mineral, ore, and coal processing at West Virginia University.  Applicants must have completed their freshman year of studies at the time of application and have elected or be enrolled in coursework leading to a degree in the above disciplines.  A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is required. 

Click here for guidelines and procedures.

SME Pittsburgh Section Pennsylvania State University Student Grant

 The Pennsylvania State University Student Grant (Penn State Student Grant) is awarded annually to a student pursuing an undergraduate degree in mining engineering, mineral engineering and mineral, ore, and coal processing at the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State). Applicants must have completed their freshman year of studies at the time of application and have elected or be enrolled in course work leading to a degree in the above disciplines. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is required. Part-time and co-operative students are also eligible for the grant.

Click here for guidelines and procedures.


Please submit all application materials with any file attachments named with your first and last name to SME Pittsburgh Section Scholarship Committee.

Teacher Grant Award

The Pittsburgh Coal Mining Institute of America (PCMIA) in partnership with the Pittsburgh Section of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc. (SME) is accepting grant applications from teachers to incorporate mining or mining-related themes into the curriculum at their school. With this grant, it is the PCMIA & SME’s intent to assist those teachers that do not have sufficient funding for their mining related teaching curriculums. Teachers in Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, or northern West Virginia area, at all grade levels (K-12), are encouraged to submit entries.

The narrative should be a brief and concise description of your proposal. It should 1) identify the area of mining or mining-related theme to be incorporated into the curriculum, 2) how this mining area or theme will be incorporated, 3) the method of teaching to be used, and 4) the expected outcome (see entry form). While any entry that incorporates a mining or mining-related theme into the curriculum will be evaluated, the following topics should also be considered: mining exploration, development, production, health and safety issues, environmental, economic impact or uses of mining products and minerals. The narrative should cover the teaching curriculum that will be used during the school year.

Click here for guidelines and procedures.

Click here to fill out an application form.




George V. Weisdack Memorial Scholarship

The George V. Weisdack Memorial Scholarship (Weisdack Scholarship) was established in 2011 by James W. Boyd, Chairman of John T. Boyd Company and the Pittsburgh Section of SME (SME Pittsburgh) for promising college students to continue their education in mining engineering, mineral engineering and mineral, ore and coal processing in memory of George V. Weisdack. George Weisdack had a distinguished career as a mining consultant principally in the area of coal mining. He joined John T. Boyd Company in 1980 after coal company employment and was elected vice president in 1989. He worked extensively in the US coal industry focusing primarily on underground mining. However, he also had extensive international experience in Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Republic of South Africa and Ukraine. George was active in SME Pittsburgh and National SME. He was a Distinguished Member of SME Pittsburgh and was nominated for National Distinguished Member.

The Weisdack Scholarship is awarded annually to a student pursuing an undergraduate degree in mining engineering, mineral engineering, and mineral, ore and coal processing. Applicants must have completed their freshman year of studies at the time of application and have elected or be enrolled in coursework leading to a degree in the above disciplines. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is required. 

Click here for guidelines and procedures.  Applications now being accepted! Questions may be directed to