MEC Subsection (formerly the GEM subsection)
The Minerals Education Coalition’s (MEC) mission is to identify, produce and disseminate fact-based K-12 minerals education lessons and activities and to inform and educate the general public about the importance of mining in their everyday lives. The MEC is the result of the successful merger of SME’s Mineral Information Institute (Mii) and Government, Education and Mining (GEM) programs.
Helpful links:
Click here for K-12 Education resources from the MEC.
Click here for the Rock and Mineral 10-Specimen Kit Companion Booklet.
To request an order for the kits, click here.
Pittsburgh Regional Science and Engineering Fair website.
Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show – Mylan Park, Morgantown, WV – October 8-9, 2016
This is the largest gem, mineral, and fossil show in West Virginia with several displays and experts in the fields of geology and paleontology. Students from WVU attended the event by staffing a booth designed to educate the public on different minerals and their importance in being mined. The students tested children after they were given a lesson on the minerals. The children were asked to name a randomly selected mineral. If answered correctly, they were awarded with a 10 specimen mineral kit, sponsored by the Minerals Education Coalition (MEC). Over 200 kits were distributed during the event. It was an enjoyable occasion for those of all ages

Photo: WVU students working the booth at the Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show. From left to right: Keegan Patrick, Erica McCauley, Cory Krall, Matt Burton, and Jennifer Smith.

Photo: Jeremy Deilhmann teaches some children about different types of minerals and their uses.
Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show – Mylan Park, Morgantown, WV – September 29-30, 2018
Students from WVU attended the event by staffing a booth designed to educate the public on different minerals and their importance in being mined. Folks were educated on minerals displayed and also presented with a 10 specimen mineral kit, sponsored by the Minerals Education Coalition (MEC). Over 240 kits were distributed during the event and 490 people were counted visiting the booth. More information can be found on the WVU Facebook page
Photo: WVU booth setup.
Pennsylvania Science Teacher Association (PSTA) Conference – State College, PA – September 30-October 1, 2018
The PSTA Conference held in State College was attended by approximately 120 teachers. Dr. Jeff Kohler and the students at The Pennsylvania State University operated the mineral kit booth at the event. About 80 kits were distributed. Special thanks to the Penn State team, Kevin Luster, Ed Zeglan, and John Murphy for attending the meeting and providing kits.
Photo: PSU booth at the PSTA 2018 Annual Meeting.
Photo: Mineral kits displayed at the PSU booth.