
INAP 1st Quarter Newsletter

ADTI-MMS Minutes February 25, 2018

ADTI-MMS Steering Committee Meeting SME Conference, Hilton Hotel. February 25, 2018


Present: Dave Williams, Lisa Kirk, Patrick Williamson, Devin Castendyk, Leslie Watson


Minutes-Dave had sent out the minutes from the previous call and had incorporated comments.


  • Workbook Status


 Modeling – Volume is on the street at SME! Congrats everyone, again! All the volumes are available in the SME Bookstore at the Conference. Dave will coordinate reviewers with Andrew/Kirk and coordinate process for getting copies out with Jane Olivier from SME.

We had an extensive discussion regarding possible updates and the best method for accomplishing this…E-updates, checking with authors for suggestions, Sessions at SME, working committees, soliciting updaters, blog/community pages/LinkedIn


Another possibility is to review how updates are done electronically for textbooks as this process could be used so as not to re-invent the wheel.


Another possibility is to link updates to the GARD Guide or existing “Best Practices” handbooks (Australia..)


Another thought was to use OneMine and have it be the “Google” of ARD, the Go-To source for ARD info


First steps include updates and links at the ADTI-MMS website


Visit with OneMine for ideas on possible linkage/coordination


  • INAP –Dave will visit with Gilles to discuss ideas on ADTI-MMS GARD linkage/path forward. We also discussed INAP’s membership hierarchy as a means of broadening membership/involvement.


  • ICARD 2018 –Still some questions about the review process and deadlines. General discussion about the 2021 ICARD and the difficulty of getting to this year’s ICARD. Patrick discussed possibilities in Nicaragua, Columbia and Mexico. Nicaragua and Columbia have hosted recent conferences and seem interested and have suitable settings, but would need help with programming. Mexico is an uncertainty.


  • 2019 SME Meeting –Some ideas for ADTI-MMS Sessions for next year’s SME: Myremictic Pit Lakes; Characterization and Modeling, In-Pit Tailings Disposal, Australian Water Issues/Re-use, Case studies of walk away pit lakes, Current paste technology, Tailings: the good, the bad, the ugly; Risk Session



  • ASTM Humidity Cell Guide. The Guidance will be moving forward to the ASTM Main Committee with the balloting coming up in December. No discussion. Charles was not here due to airline issues.


  • ADTI Website – Dave hopes to update the website over the next couple weeks to incorporate some of the items discussed.


  • A couple other items discussed: Working with SME to develop Mentoring programs to generate interest/younger professionals and perhaps related to that a “Geochem Dance Party”....


  • Next year’s chairman is Brett Waterman, Freeport so we need to contact him with ideas for sessions.


Next call: April19th, 11 AM MDT