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October Virtual Meeting Login Information

  • 1.  October Virtual Meeting Login Information

    Posted 10-13-2020 06:16 PM
    October SME Colorado Section Meeting

    Please join us online from 5:00pm to 6:30pm on Thursday, October 15 for a meeting of the SME Colorado Section.

    There is no cost to attend this meeting. Microsoft Teams, +1 323-886-6897, Conference ID: 533 998 225#

    • Tara Davis, SME's Content Development and Program Director, will provide an update regarding transition
    of the 2021 SME Annual Conference & Expo to an online format. There will be an opportunity for questions
    from the Section members.

    • Jill Nelson will provide an update regarding the SME Foundation activities and needs for the next year. If
    you are not familiar with the SME Foundation, this is your chance to hear about the work they do to support
    SME members and learn how you can be involved!

    • James des Cognets, SME Colorado Section Program Chair, will facilitate open discussion where you will
    have an opportunity to provide input and steer the 2020-2021 programming content.

    Kelly Donahue