St. Louis SME Section

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  • 1.  Missouri Capital Visit - New Anti Mining Proposed Laws

    Posted 13 days ago
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    As some of you are aware, new anti-mining legislation is being proposed in Missouri. A capitol visit to oppose this legislation is being organized by the Missouri Geologists' Consortium if you are interested in participating. 

    The "Shaking Hands" MO legislative visit will begin the day by meeting in the Atrium Coffee Shop at Capitol Plaza Hotel, 415 W McCarty St., Jefferson City, MO 65101, between 9 - 9:30 am, Tuesday, February 4, 2025 [where we will park our cars for the entire day]. We meet to divide up material to provide and to accept pairing up to meet with assigned legislators. To attend please reply by Noon Monday, 3 FEB, to all 3: Paco Gomez <>, Greg Hempen <>, & Peter Price <>. Include your texting phone # with your reply & your home city to carpool. We will reply to you with details on the visit. Greg Hempen, 314-608-5843, will help arrange carpooling from St. Louis to Jeff City, which depends on the number carpooling from where in the St. Louis area.

    Please email Mike Roark, if you would care to have involvement with the Missouri Geologists' Consortium (MGC). Mission Statement- The MGC is a non-partisan grassroots organization that was created to support the sound practice of geology in the best interest of Missouri's citizens. The MGC monitors the Missouri legislature for proposed and pending legislative impacts to geologists and the practice of geology in Missouri. The MGC may endorse or oppose specific legislation. The MGC is dedicated to the best interest of long-term public safety and will advocate for actions that help to achieve this goal. The MGC will not endorse or oppose specific candidates for any elected office. With communication, participation, and coordination, the MGC also supports the activities of other Missouri geology entities and organizations that benefit this mission.

    The bill that we may be concerned about is HB 184, Rep. Clemens. The bill is attached.

    Have a great week!

    Gregory Sutton
    Bunker MO United States


    HB 184.pdf   89 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Missouri Capital Visit - New Anti Mining Proposed Laws

    Posted 12 days ago

    As a reminder/clarification:

    The SME by our tax status is not allowed to lobby.  Our purpose is to EDUCATE.  We can provide information to lawmakers, staffers, the public or those who have influence on changes to our laws and statutes.  We can NOT lobby.  This is not an invitation to lobby.  This is a communication to the members who may have an interest in joining this particular group who is going to the state capitol, so that our members may educate and enlighten.  

    Thank you!

    Genevieve Sutton
    Doe Run Co
    Bunker MO United States

  • 3.  RE: Missouri Capital Visit - New Anti Mining Proposed Laws

    Posted 11 days ago

    Having participated in this event for a number of years, and also being previously been involved with legislative affairs with my father, I would like to point out a few things.

    • The Shaking Hands event, while from outward appearances may look like lobbying, is actually a group of professionals that are offering their assistance and knowledge to legislators on technical topics that, in most cases, the legislators, do not understand.  Members of the MGC and other organizations typically try to meet with their own Representative and Senator as "constituents" to inform them of any pending legislation that might impact the geological sciences, environmental rules and regulations, professional licensure, and other issues that might be within their areas of expertise.
    • To formally lobby a legislator in Missouri, you must be a registered lobbyist.  To my knowledge, none of the participants have ever been registered and there has never been a question about it from anyone from our respective organizations or from any state officials.
    • As Genevieve noted, this is an opportunity to educate the legislators on topics and allow them to ask questions.  The group typically provides a small item or souvenir that is within the limits allowed by financial rules, as a remainder and thank you the legislator taking the time to meet with the group.  This year and in the past few years, a small, cardboard coaster has been given out as a token of appreciation.

    I would encourage anyone within the group who is concerned about HB184 to plan on attending and let the legislature know how the legislation, while designed to provide more controls over hazardous waste impacts, will in fact, adversely affect mining operations within the state and result in lost revenue, lost jobs, and de-incentivize future mining prospects from doing business in Missouri.  

    John T. Howard, RG, CPG

    Hydro-Environmental Technologies, Inc (HETI)

    St Louis, MO  63129
