Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division

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Mine and plant managers - Does your maintenance department have a maintenance program?

  • 1.  Mine and plant managers - Does your maintenance department have a maintenance program?

    Posted 05-16-2024 11:37 PM
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    Of the 66 mining operations that I provided maintenance management consulting services for, only 11 had an adequate, well-defined maintenance program. All departments understood every aspect of what maintenance did and each shared their operating procedures with maintenance. Mine and plant managers provided oversight with policy guidelines to ensure that maintenance was an effective, well-coordinated interaction of all mining departments. The attachment defines the maintenance program. If your organization lacks a program, subsequent posts will help. But first, I would urge you to take a look your maintenance department's program. I hope you won't be disappointed.

    Paul D. Tomlingson
    Retired, Maintenance Consultant
    Denver. Colorado USA
    303 656 7875


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