Check out the October 2022 Newsletter! Featuring: -Health and safety share -Photos from past events -Scholarship award recipients -Upcoming events -Contact information #October2022 #newsletter #events
October 2022 Newsletter.pdf
Updated flyer on the Annual Colorado SME Section Golf Tournament including information on available Sponsorship Opportunities. #events #Outreach #SMESections
2017 SME Golf Tournament Flyer with Sponsorship Info_06292017.pdf
This month's section meeting will be at The Vista, Applewood Golf Club on November 14!!!! Speaker Steve Onorofskie, Mine Manager of American Gypsum Company, in Gypsum CO. Check out the newsletter for more information on how to RSVP. #events #meetings
These are the 2011 section newsletters from the Colorado Section. #meetings #newsletter #events
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These are all the past newsletters of the Colorado Section in recent years. #newsletter #events #meetings
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January 2013 newsletter #events #sectionnewsletter
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#meetings #SMESections #events