00 Final Accessing Capital in Mining Today - Managing Through the Cycle at SME annual meeting 20 February 2017 in Denver.pdf Hi All As there were many in the room at the SME annual meeting in Denver on Monday February 20, 2017 who asked for a set of the Speakers' slides from the session the...
Post your suggestions for the environmental session topics to the SME community by March 30, 2017. #EnvironmentalSession #Topics #SMEAnnualMeeting
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As we close out 2014, don't forget to send in your silent auction items for the SME Foundation auction. This is a great tax-deductible contribution to get in before the end of the year. Not sure what to donate? Check out the SME Foundation auction website for some inspiration and see...
There is so much we have to be thankful for this holiday season. The SME Foundation is proud to deliver programs to develop your career through every stage of life. On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 , we are part of a call to action that will change the calendar and help make history. We are...
How can I get this bumper sticker? Attend the SME Foundation Dinner Gala on Sunday, February 15, 2015. Purchase tickets for the dinner when you register for the SME Annual Conference and Expo. Visit the SME Foundation Booth in the Exhibit Hall at SME Annual Conference...
The SME Foundation Annual Gala Dinner and Silent Auction is just around the corner. Get your tickets when you register online for the 2015 SME Annual Conference and Expo. You won't want to miss out on this great opportunity to network at THE place to be at the SME Annual Conference and Expo....
Attached are fellow Pittsburgh Section awardees presented in the 2014 SME Coal and Energy Luncheon in Salt Lake. Photo credit: Bill Cronin. #SMEAnnualMeeting #photos #CoalandEnergy
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Only 27 days until the SMEF Banquet, Mardi Gras and Casino Night, Feb. 24 th at the Hyatt Regency Convention Center. Be sure to sign up for the gala event on your SME annual meeting registration form. #SMEAnnualMeeting