Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) provides near real-time elemental analysis for 100% of the material flow Both on-belt and on-pipe applications PGNAA has been adopted by various mineral operations in the past few years to help improve process control. While PGNAA...
During the recent APCOM conference at Colorado School of Mines where I was a speaker, an interesting discussion took place about what is considered "traditional" in the field of Strategic Open Pit Mine Planning. The initials APCOM stands for "Application of Computers and Operations Research in...
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The process of blending consistent and predictable feed for the roasters is critical to optimizing product quality and controlling production costs. To assist in this process, Online PGNAA Slurry Analyzers have been installed and evaluated at a Sudbury Ontario smelter. They are used to measure...
Improving the Process of Blending Consistent and Predictable Feed in the Nickel Smelting Process Using PGNAA Technology.pdf
When I first started editing technical papers at SME, I was surprised that the only style guide I was given was the AP Stylebook , the basic reference for journalists at the Associated Press