Hi All,
American Institute of Professional Geologist (AIPG) is organizing a Two-days MI & WI AIPG Field Trip in August.
The details are here:
Day 1 - Wisconsin Geology
Saturday, August 12, 2017
8:30am to 5pm
Day 2 - Michigan Geology
Sunday, August 13, 2017
8:30am to 5pm
The Sunday trip includes areas of mineral interests. The registration cost is 40$. Please see the attached file to know more about the field trip, and find the link for online registration.
For any question or concern, please contact
Christine Lilek at ChristineF.Lilek@dhs.wisconsin.gov
Snehamoy Chatterjee PhD
Assistant Professor
Michigan Tech University
Houghton MI United States
(906) 487-2516