Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division

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MPD Top 10

  • 1.  MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-09-2021 02:27 PM

    Greetings MPD Community,

    The MPD executive committee is working with SME to identify a list of the top 10 "hot topics" in MPD.  We hope to use this list to help develop programming and other materials over the coming years.  We briefly discussed this list in our MPD Coffee Break last month, but we wanted to extend that conversation to the broader MPD community.   Shown below is the initial list that we put together.  Is anything missing?  Are any items on the list of particular interest to you?  Please let us know in the comments below!  Thank you.


    MPD Top 10 List

    1. Education, student recruitment and retention, public outreach
    2. Rare earths and critical minerals
    3. Environmental management, green reagents, GHG mitigation
    4. Space mining and processing/processing in extreme environments.
    5. Data-driven dynamic simulation
    6. Smart sensors, real time plant data, machine learning
    7. Geometallurgy
    8. Comminution, including ultra-fine comminution
    9. Sorting and preconcentration
    10. Recycling and reprocessing of historic mine wastes

    Christopher Noble
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg VA United States

  • 2.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-10-2021 10:07 AM
    Dear Dr. Noble,
    I would change the "5. Data-driven dynamic simulation" to "5. Data-driven, and atomistic dynamic simulation". 



    Amir Eskanlou

    GRA || SME YLC Representative to MPD 

    College of Engineering &  Mineral Resources

    Mining Engineering || West Virginia University

    P: (681) 668-7929 || ae0032@mail.wvu.edu

  • 3.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-10-2021 02:09 PM
    Although it's implicit in some of the topics listed here, I'd be inclined to call out "water in mining and processing" specifically.  I see this as a much more immediate and critical issue than space mining, while recognizing that the expertise gained in tackling earthbound limitations on water availability will be useful whenever we can economically contemplate mining in space.  

    Fiona Doyle

    Fiona Doyle 
    Donald H. McLaughlin Professor Emerita of Mineral Engineering 
    University of California, Berkeley 
    Department of Materials Science and Engineering 
    325 Hearst Mining Building,
    Berkeley CA 94720-1760 

  • 4.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-13-2021 11:51 AM

    MPD Community


    As we address the potential challenges facing the next generation of metallurgists and process engineers, we did not honor the KIS principle; Fiona Doyle has reminded us of a failure to recognized one of the simplest components of the ore beneficiation process - WATER.


    Nearly every unit process utilizes water- from dust suppression to tailing management, from hosing down spills to cooling of furnaces, there is a reliance on water.   Protecting water resources is a HUGE part of the permitting process, assuring mining and processing does not adversely effect down stream water quality.   


    In the western USA, with our extended draught, water resources are literally drying up.   


    Leaving water off the list was a simple oversight, inclusion opens the door to complex problem.


    2021/22 Chair MPD Executive Committee

    Garland Davis 
    Sr Sales Manager –USA West Region
    +1 385 271 2145 | garland.davis@mogroup.com

    Metso Outotec (USA) Inc
    3676 W. California Avenue, Wasatch Industrial Park, Suite A111 | Salt Lake City, UT 84104 | USA





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  • 5.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-11-2021 10:03 AM
    Maybe include fine particle separation (froth flotation) in conjunction with ultra-fine comminution

    Pengbo Chu
    Assistant Professor
    Reno NV United States

  • 6.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-12-2021 12:30 PM



    Thanks for response and inquiry regarding MPD Coffee Breaks.


    SME helped setup the "Coffee Breaks" as a membership engagement function during the Corvid pandemic.  MPD held  our first virtual coffee break in Dec'20 and the second in June.


    In both sessions,  SME/MDP received excellent participating and feed back from attendees.  We will be scheduling additional Coffee Breaks, to share MPD news, and to address topics of interest to membership.   


    From the June session, we assembled the MPD Top 10 List.  Staying relevant to division membership interests and needs, these  may  be topic for future coffee breaks.   


    We envision continuing this engagement function beyond Covid, but frequency of the Coffee Breaks are yet to be determined.  If there is demand,  SME/MPD will provide the venue. 


    Please follow this dialog  in MPD Community chatter for announcement future MPD Virtual Coffee Breaks.


    2021/22 Chair MPD Executive Committee

    Garland Davis 

    Sr Sales Manager –USA West Region
    +1 385 271 2145 | garland.davis@mogroup.com

    Metso Outotec (USA) Inc
    3676 W. California Avenue, Wasatch Industrial Park, Suite A111 | Salt Lake City, UT 84104 | USA





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  • 7.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-12-2021 10:51 AM
    Thanks to all who have participated in this discussion so far.  I also received some private replies, and I wanted to summarize what we have learned:

    1. Many have indicated the need to emphasize water and energy minimization as critical issues, distinct from those already on the list.  
    2. More specificity may be needed on some items.
    3. In-situ extraction may also be a topic worth considering.
    4. Implicit with the topic of rare earths is the need to identify hazardous/radioactive waste management strategies. 

    Please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts and comments with the group.


    Christopher Noble
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg VA United States

  • 8.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-12-2021 03:55 PM
    #1. Establish a list of issues to send to elected officials​ with a positive point of view.  Send parts of the list periodically to State legislatures, the federal House and Senate members, and other decision makers. 
    2.  Enough said about these two topics. 
    3. Sing the praises of CO2, even its mitigation. 
    4. Too far down the road. 
    5. Aren't all simulations data driven?  
    6.  Keep after it as is being done now. 
    7. Be more specific.  Geometallurgy is too general, much like geomining. 
    8. We worked on this for the past 70 years.  What are your specific ideas now? 
    9. Need more of this. 
    10.  Create a list of potentially economic mine waste sites.

    [PaulFirstName] [ChamberlinLastName]
    Highlands Ranch CO United States
    (303) 870-3106PaulChamberlinPaul[pdcham7@gmail.comEmailAddress]

  • 9.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-13-2021 10:35 AM
    1. Education, student recruitment and retention, public outreach

    As written and often as discussed this subject should be written to address the professional formation needs of the entire MPD community from students at uni into early career and potentially through alternative paths to becoming an experienced practitioner and even to mastery of subject materials. The community suffers at both the early end of the pipeline & through all stages of the pipeline from the loss of knowledge and skills of experienced practitioners and the missed opportunities to promote skills development. 

    Lifelong learning is an oft used phrase but many are not prepared for managing and actioning learning post-university. If fact, some believe they arrive from university as fully functioning professionals. 

    Bob Seitz

    Robert Seitz
    Seitz Solutions
    Phoenix AZ United States
    (602) 803-8512

  • 10.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-14-2021 11:14 AM
    MPD Group:

    In agreement with Professor Fiona Doyle and Garland Davis, I think that water chemistry and handling are of great importance for MP operations. In addition, I believe that rheology of water slurries should be included as the MPD Top10 since rheology is of utmost importance for all unit operations in mineral processing.

    Dr. Francisco J. Sotillo
    PerUsa enviroMet, Inc.
    228 Pinellas Street
    Lakeland, FL 33803-4832

  • 11.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-20-2021 02:21 PM
    Hello everyone,

    I really appreciate the thoughtful commentary and input so far.  Since last week, I have received a couple additional private messages (and one good conversation at a local brewery), and after considering that input, I wanted to provide some clarifications.  First, the 10 items in my initial message do not represent the "final" list.  We are still gathering information on what to include, and the list is still very dynamic.  I have no doubt that some items will dropped, others will be added, and some may be consolidated along the way.  The original list represents ideas from just a small subset of the MPD membership.  We are hoping to use this venue as well as others to gather more information from a broader portion of the MPD membership.  Ultimately, the priority list will help inform future content, like webinars, magazine articles and other items.

    To that end, if you have any input, suggestions, or critiques, I will be happy to hear it!  Thank you.

    Christopher Noble
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg VA United States

  • 12.  RE: MPD Top 10

    Posted 07-22-2021 12:10 AM
    Dear Christopher,

    Nice to hear from you.

    The Top 10 list is covering the subjects ranging from daily used to potential of future like space mining.
    I would request to include advances and challenges in Sea bed Mining also.


    Mahesh Raheja
    GM Mining
    Al Tasnim