Dear MPD Member,
Every month, we print a Fine Grind article in Mining Engineering to keep you in touch with the latest happenings, technical updates and other interesting news from the division. In this digital age, we will also be sharing it with you through SME Community, starting with the November Fine Grind. In this way, you will be able to easily read, comment, discuss or ask questions.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division (MPD) Executive Committee
November Fine Grind
MPD Plenary Session 2017: Highlighting the Year’s Award Recipients
The Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division (MPD) of SME will host a plenary session Monday afternoon, Feb. 20, during the 2017 Annual Conference & Expo. The annual MPD plenary session features the winners of the Antoine M. Gaudin, Robert H. Richards and Milton E. Wadsworth awards, who have educated and entertained audiences with their talks on multiple aspects of science and technology of the metallurgical and mineral processing disciplines and by sharing personal stories on the life and times of professionals in our chosen field.
The 2017 MPD plenary session again promises to be an interesting and must-attend event for MPD members. This year’s presentations will be given by:
- Dr. Gerald H. Luttrell: The Antoine M. Gaudin Award winner for his world-renowned contributions in developing separation technologies for mineral and coal processing in equipment design, modeling and optimization, and plant circuit engineering.
- Dr. S A. Ravishankar: The Robert H. Richards Award winner for innovative technology contributions for fine particles processing in mineral engineering.
- Dr. Fiona M. Doyle: The Milton E. Wadsworth Award winner for fundamental examination of hydrometallurgical and electrometallurgical processes, to develop a foundation for sustainability and economic competitiveness in the non-ferrous metallurgical sector and beyond.
Photo: 2016 MPD Awardees (left to right) David Dreisinger (Milton E. Wadsworth Award), Robert Dunne (Robert H. Richards Award) and Ronald Woods (Antoine M. Gaudin Award).
Dr. Chen-Luh Lin and Dr. Jan D. Miller will receive the Arthur F. Taggart Award for their paper, “Opportunities for Plant-site 3D Coarse Particle Characterization with Automated High-Speed X-ray Tomography,” published in Minerals & Metallurgical Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 53-57.
The MPD Outstanding Young Engineer Award will be presented to Mr. R. Nick Gow to recognize his young career as a mineral processing and extractive metallurgy engineer and to support continued research, design and service in the future.
The MPD would like to thank BHP Billiton for its sponsorship of the Robert H. Richards Award, Resource Development Inc. for its sponsorship of the Arthur F. Taggart Award, and Hazen Research for its sponsorship of the Outstanding Young Engineer Award.
Other MPD events scheduled for the 2017 Annual Conference & Expo include the Unit Committee meetings on Sunday (open to all MPD members who want to get involved in the 2018 Annual Conference & Expo), the scholarship fundraising Scotch Nightcap on Tuesday evening, and the Student Poster Contest Session preceding the MPD Division Luncheon on Wednesday afternoon.
Come join us for any or all of these events. Get involved and make your MPD membership count.
See you there!
Scott Shuey, Secretary Treasurer
Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division Executive Committee
Scott Shuey PHD,QP
Manager of Refractory Hydrometallurgical Technology
Newmont Mining Corp
Englewood CO United States
(303) 708-4132