Utah SME Section

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Women in Mining Upcoming Events

  • 1.  Women in Mining Upcoming Events

    Posted 06-01-2023 12:42 PM

    The Women in Mining Utah Chapter has a number of events coming up. Please contact Emily (erose@barr.com) or Christy (cmiller@barr.com) if you are interested in any of these opportunities. Thank you!

    June 15 - International Day of Women in Mining

    On 15 June every year the mining industry celebrates the women who have been, are and will be part of the sector. The celebration seeks to further empower women to share their passion for the industry, as well as commemorate the industry's achievement on gender inclusion to date.  An international keynote will be presented on "Equity in Mining is Everyone's Responsibility." Registration and information can be found here: https://internationalwim.org/idwim/#:~:text=IWiM%20invites%20the%20global%20mining,be%20part%20of%20the%20sector.

    June 15 - Virtual LNL presented by Nicole Brazier

    Join us for a virtual lunch and learn event that discusses a core idea of lean operations, identifying and eliminating waste (muda). Waste in lean is any activity that consumes resources, but does not add value. We will review the 8 types of waste with some examples of mining: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89292658258?pwd=bm5GSkxwK09DelRiTG1Dc295OWxCZz09

    June 22 - in-person chapter meeting Thiess

    Join us for an in-person chapter meeting hosted by Thiess! Event details to come.

    July 15 - Park City Museum Social

    Join us for an in-person social event. We will be touring the park city museum and enjoying the Utah summer weather with a hike or picnic in the park. Family and kids are welcome to attend this event.  Event details to come.

    August 23 - in-person chapter meeting RTK Daybreak

    Join us for an in-person chapter meeting hosted by Rio Tinto! Event details to come.

    September 4 - Park City Miner Days

    Celebrate 126 years of mining history in Park City: https://parkcityminersday.org/

    WIM USA Events Calendar: https://www.womeninmining.us/event-calendar/

    Emily Rose
    Salt Lake City UT United States