Thank you for sharing the UGA newsletter. The newsletter represents Geologist in the state of Utah. As a UGF (Utah Geologic Foundation) Board member, I would like point out that UGF supports all geologist in Utah, not just Oil and Gas geologists, but Mining geologists are part of the group. The deposits that are mined by the Mining Enginers and Processed by the SME community. Geologist are critical to the exploration and discovery in the mining process.
I would like to challenge the Mining community to support the UGF Scholarship fund, as the Oil and Gas community has supported the geologic community and the UGF. Please see UGA news letter for details regarding the 2024 fund raising campaign. Considerable time was spent acquiring the 5013c tax status for UGF.
The upcoming Feb 2024 UGA newsletter has details on the Feb 12th presentation on U(-V) and Cu (Ag) in the LA Sal District in Southern UT
Also included in the Feb newsletter is details on the Feb 21st SME meeting on REE.
Please consider the challenge to support UGF scholarship fund. The UT Mining community has benefited the hard work of the geologic community.
Leslie Heppler
Sandy UT United States
Original Message:
Sent: 01-19-2024 04:16 PM
From: Abani Samal
Subject: Utah Geological Association (UGA) January News letter
Dear Members of the Utah Section of SME
Please find the January 2024 UGA Newsletter for your reference.
CPG, RM- SME, Fellow - SME, Fellow-SEG