Members of the SME-Utah Section,
I am happy to note that Mr. Chris Summers of Burgex Mining Consultants has contributed $1000.00 as a Corporate Sponsor for the SME - Utah Section (2023-2024).
Thanks, Chris and the team members at Burgex.
Additionally, we also have heard from BARR Engineering, Metso Outotec, Cementation, and Bort Longyear with positive notes for the 2023-24 sponsorship. Thank you.
As you all know, our local SME Utah Section was restarted in October 2022 and has been active since with monthly meetings without any interruptions.
I am reaching out to all of you to help with financial corporate sponsorship of the SME Utah Section for the year 2023-24, i.e. year ending in March 2024.
Corporate sponsorships help support the SME Utah Section's outreach and activities by providing funds for:
- General costs of monthly meetings
- Annual scholarship awards
- Special events – National SME/SMEF staff meeting, Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday gatherings
- Bringing Mineral Education Coalition (MEC) resources to our local schools and promoting the mining industry in K-12 education
- Community volunteer project costs
We believe these activities will help to keep the mining industry in our area engaged and add value to the State and our region in the long run. We need financial support from the mining industry in Utah to help make these activities happen successfully.
At this time, we have a simple sponsorship structure as described below:
- Tier 1: USD 1,000 and more: Free admission for three persons to two special events (total six): May 24th and Thanksgiving or Christmas Party
- Tier 2: USD 500 to 999: Free admission for two persons to two special events (total four): May 24th and Thanksgiving or Christmas Party
Individual Supporters:
- Free admission (one person) to two special events: May 24th and Thanksgiving or Christmas Party USD 200 to 499
Sponsorship notes:
- The sponsorships are collected once a year
- They can be paid in two installments within three consecutive months
- Corporate and individual names/logos will be displayed on a special meeting banner and recognition given at special events
Upcoming Events:
- May (24th): SME Executives forum - we need to talk about the format and details in the latter part of this month. The executive director, President of SME, and President of the SME Foundation agreed individually.
We will host executives from SME and the SME Foundation: Mr. Dave Kanagy (Director of SME), Mr. Marc Levier (Current President of SME), and Mr. Tom Rauch (Current President of SMEF)
- This is an opportunity for our local mining industry community to have an interactive session with SME and SMEF leadership
- Attendees will be requested to donate $10.00 for scholarships and other activities.
Attendees from sponsoring companies (three or two attendees depending on the sponsorship level) do not have to contribute $10.00
- June 15th: Nick Venter, from K2Fly technology company from Denver on new technology on resource management. Proposed Title: ESG Considerations for Resource Disclosure. reconfirmed.
- July 19th: Jeffrey Davis from Integral Corp on Mine Hydrogeology - reconfirmed!
- August 16: Erskine, Amanda from Coeur. Peter Harala recomended. Title: '3D Characterization of Packed Particle Beds by Micro-XCT for Permeability of Leaching Column'
- September 20th: Dan Welch – Mining Engineer w/ Stantec. Proposed title: Mid-Tertiary IOCG Deposits in Arizona and a "Lost" Mining District
- October 18th: Amol Chinchankar - (Sr. Business Development Manager, Mining, Alfa Laval Technologies AB, Sweden) Proposed title: Tailings dewatering using Solid-bowl Centrifuge technology - reconfirmed.
- Holiday Gatherings
- TBD near Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday
I am requesting each of our members of this section to reach out to your employers or another company you know could be a sponsor, if possible, and let me know (via email) who I/we should contact for this opportunity. Personal communication is key in raising awareness and getting support.
My email address is and my cell phone number is 618-967 3679
Hope to hear from you soon.
Abani Samal
CPG, RM- SME, Fellow - SME, Fellow-SEG
Chair - SME Utah Section (2022-2024)