Chris Johnson sent out a save the date notice last week. Put May 16, 2024 on your calendar! Since COVID changed our way of getting together, the Northern California section of SME we have done Zoom meetings and field trips. By the attendance at our last field trip we knew we had to do something else. We just seem to keep talking to ourselves. It was brought to our attention by a member, thank you Tyler Hall, that there are people in Silicon Valley that are interested in the need for critical minerals but their experience with miners is Bit Coin and data mining. With the resources available through SME and having experienced mining/processing people in the area it is paramount to put these groups in touch with each other. There is a group on the Stanford University campus, Mineral-X, where these interested people gather. As the local SME Section we need to introduce ourselves and all available resources to anyone interested in the minerals industry.
Being an SME member, I am asking you to please attend the BAM (Bay Area Miners) on May 16 on the Stanford University campus. We need to show the diversity that is SME, hard rock miners, underground construction, aggregates, consulting and people who work in State and Federal government and regulatory agencies. We have invited Dr. Marc Herpfer - 2024 SME President, Dave Kanagy - SME Executive Director and Tim Arnold - 2016 SME President and mining executive to represent SME.. Mineral-X will have representatives as well who will take part in the panel discussion
We want to use this event to revitalize our Chapter, maybe get some new members and introduce everyone to the Northern Calif. mining community. Chris Johnson will follow up with more details and a map to the meeting location.
See you next month at Stanford.
William Warfield
SME Northern California Section President
Roseville CA United States