Dear Members of the SME Utah Section
Please find attached herewith an updated version of the bylaws of the Utah Section of the SME for your review and comments.
The draft document was reviewed and edited by the Executive Committee of the Section. I am thankful to the executive committee for their help and cooperation in giving this document to current shape. The edits are made in a way that this Bylaw document can be used effectively by leadership teams now and in future years.
I am sharing this document with you for your review and comments. If you have any comments, please send them to me or simply reply to this communication before the end of Monday, March 4th, 2024.
After this period of your review, the bylaws document will be shared with the SME leadership through the SME staff liaison (Rachel Grimes) in the week on March 4th, 2024 for their review and acceptance.
With my best regards
Abani Samal
Chair-Utah Section of the SME.