
April Fine Grind: MPD Executive Committee Meeting

By Amy Jacobsen posted 04-12-2017 11:09 AM


Every month, we put out a Fine Grind article in Mining Engineering to keep members in touch with the latest happenings, technical updates and other interesting news from the MPD division. This is the Fine Grind that appeared in the April 2017 issue. We invite you to comment, discuss or ask questions!

Amy Jacobsen, Secretary Treasurer
Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division Executive Committee


April Fine Grind

MPD Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

by Scott Shuey, Secretary Treasurer, 2016-2017 MPD Executive Committee

The regular meeting of the Mineral & Metallurgical Processing Division (MPD) Executive Committee was called to order at 9:00 am on Feb. 19, 2017 in Denver, CO by Chairman Mark Jorgensen. Those present included Erik Spiller, Jim Metsa, Scott Shuey, Amy Jacobson, Garland Davis, Ronel Kappes, and SME staff member Chee Theng. The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed. The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved with minor correction.

2017 MPD Technical Program and Events
The 2017 Technical Program was full, with all sessions having 7-8 presentation.
A review of the Plenary Session Script was conducted, ensuring all required speakers were present.
Anticipation of the Scotch Nightcap was high with the introduction of “Bass Metals”, the first performance of the MPD-member group including Dave Meadows, Nick Hazen, Joe Mercuri, and guest performers John Marsden and Nayitha Advincula.

2018 MPD Technical Program
With the 2018 Annual Conference to be held in Minneapolis, coordination with the Regional SME is critical, blending the successful Duluth, MN conference into the National SME event, ensuring a technical program to satisfy all attendees.

Awards and Funds
Current account balances are healthy, even in these “down cycle” times. The financial health of the MPD is due to the support of our Sponsors through the MPD events and Calendar.

Rong Yu Wan Ph.D. Dissertation Award
Administration of the Rong Yu Wan Dissertation Award (endowed) has been undertaken by the MPD. Founded by Mark LeVier, the Rong Yu Wan Ph.D. Dissertation Award will be presented annually to a recent Ph.D. recipient for outstanding dissertation research in the general area of metallurgical engineering (i.e. mineral processing, hydrometallurgy or extractive metallurgy, etc.). Ph.D. recipients who have completed all their degree requirements (including the submission of the final dissertation) within the previous 12 months of the nomination deadline are eligible. The major criterion for the award is the impact or potential impact of the research on the field of mining and metallurgical engineering.

Change of Bylaws
After a review of the by-laws by Amy Jacobson in 2015, it was proposed that a complete rewrite be undertaken to produce an efficient document. Amy suggested the Executive Committee meet at the Midyear Meeting to review the document and do a strategic analysis with a facilitator.

SME Update
Tim Arnold, outgoing SME President, John Mansanti, incoming SME President, and David Kanagy, SME Executive Director, reported on the state and direction of SME. Total SME Membership is down approximately 12% to 13,002. The International Society of Mine Safety Professionals (ISMSP) was brought into the SME family in January of this year, and SME was heavily involved in providing extensive comments to the SEC Industry Guide 7 revisions.
Looking forward, 2017 will have a continued focus on education, membership and health and safety as well as the continued emphasis on continuous improvement of communication and relationships between SME Headquarters and local sections.

Awards Nomination Process
The current process of nominations for MPD Awards will be reviewed with the intent of increasing the ease and efficiency of the system.

Roles and Responsibilities
The 2017-18 slate of officers and primary responsibilities were reviewed.
• Mike Moats – Chair: Responsible for everything
• Mark Jorgensen – Past Chair: Nominations and Bylaw rewrite
• Erik Spiller – Associate Chair: 2018 Technical Program
• Jim Metsa – First Regional Vice Chair: 2019 Technical Program
• Scott Shuey – Second Regional Vice Chair: Calendar Sponsorship
• Amy Jacobson – Secretary/Treasurer: Minutes, Fine Grind Coordination, Scotch Nightcap
• Garland Davis – Technical Program Coordinator: Assist Associate Chair with Tech Program and Secretary with Scotch Nightcap
• Ronel Kappes– Membership Coordinator: Survey Information and Membership interface.
• Chee Theng – SME Representative: keep the MPD Committee in-line.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 by Mark Jorgensen.



